Training Assistant Job @ University of Kerala, Department of Botany

Training Assistant Job @ University of Kerala, Department of Botany: The Department of Botany at the University of Kerala is inviting applications for the position of Training Assistant under the project “Establishment of Finishing School in Applied Plant Science” (Advt. No. BOT 09/2024). This is an excellent opportunity for candidates with a Ph.D. in Botany to engage in advanced research and training activities. The position is temporary and will last for the duration of the project. The selected candidate will receive a monthly consolidated amount of Rs. 20,000/-. The last date to submit applications is July 15, 2024, by 04:00 PM.

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Training Assistant Job @ University of Kerala, Department of Botany

Name of the Project/PostTraining Assistant
Number of PostOne
Monthly Consolidated AmountRs 20,000/-
Essential QualificationsPh.D. in Botany
Desirable QualificationsExperience in handling modern phytochemical extraction and analytical instruments, Plant tissue culture
Age LimitBelow 35 years (Age will be calculated as on the last date of advertisement. Age relaxation for SC/ST/OBC candidates as per Govt. of Kerala rules)
Application DeadlineJuly 15, 2024, 04:00 PM
Application Submission AddressThe Professor & Head, Department of Botany, University of Kerala, Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, PIN – 695581
Application Submission;
Terms & Conditions1. The post is temporary and co-terminates with the project.
2. Candidates shall produce original certificates for verification during the interview.
3. University has all rights to reject the applications after screening.
4. No TA/DA will be paid to attend the interview if called.

How to Apply

Candidates interested in this position should submit their applications on plain paper, accompanied by a detailed biodata, a recent passport-size photograph, and self-attested copies of relevant certificates proving qualifications, experience, age, and caste (if applicable). Applications should be sent to the following address by post or email, with the post name and advertisement number mentioned on the application cover:

The Professor & Head
Department of Botany
University of Kerala
Karyavattom, Thiruvananthapuram
Kerala, PIN – 695581

Terms & Conditions

  1. The post is temporary and co-terminates with the project.
  2. Candidates must produce original certificates for verification during the interview.
  3. The University reserves the right to reject applications after screening.
  4. No TA/DA will be paid for attending the interview.

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  • A biotechnologist, Scientific blogger and Founder of Shila Biotech,, and He completed his Master of Science in Biotechnology. Currently, he working as an Assistant professor at Milind College of Science, Aurangabad, Maharashtra, India from June 2020. He is an avid reader and writer, who is passionate about Biotechnology.

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